If you are looking for something to do tomorrow, pull up a chair at the Jean Coutu on St. George Street from 10am until 3pm. Jack Proud will be there signing his new book, and you’ll certainly be entertained.
Jack Proud is 91 years old. He was raised in Prince Edward Island, but now resides in Moncton.
And he has a story or two to tell, “I raced pigs, I put harnesses on them and raced them. I raced harness horses and I had a stock car track that I built. I had three stock cars and I never got in them, never took a chance on them.”
He always liked to make other people happy, “I’ve been selling World’s Finest Chocolate for over 50 years to raise money for schools, clubs and groups.”
And he can’t drive by himself anymore, he has to have someone take him from place to place, “I can probably drive better than them, but he got me this far, so I’ll probably have to do what he says,” he adds.
His book is called Jumping Jack Proud, My memories my life, Beating the odds and still having fun.
If you’re from the Island, or if you’ve been to a Moncton Wildcats game, chances are you have crossed paths with Jack and may have already shared a smile or two with him.