A dozen new Saint John transit buses are expected to hit city streets early next year.
Quebec-based manufacturer Nova Bus won the contract to supply the new buses, which are accessible having been built to the Americans with Disabilities Act standards. They’re also equipped with Real-Time Passenger Information System technology.
Saint John Transit CEO Ian MacKinnon says the average age of a transit fleet typically should be around 9 years but ours is closer to 11.
“When that happens maintenance costs go up, the cost to maintain older rolling stock goes up, so we’re quite challenged in that regard these days,” says MacKinnon.
The Regional Development Corporation, by way of the federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund, has promised partial funding of $3.3-million for the new buses.
“It’s 50-percent of the entire price, the entire cost will be double that. So 50-percent was funded by the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund and matched by the City of Saint John,” says MacKinnon.
The new buses will be 40-foot diesel buses.