96% of the nurses represented by the New Brunswick Nurses Union are women.
Union President Paula Doucet says they would like to see even more men consider this as a career.
“Nursing is a wonderful profession and I think it’s wonderful whether you’re a male or a female, and I think more men, young men, should be looking at nursing as a career choice,” says Doucet.
She says they are planning a recruitment campaign for later this year.
“Looking at trying to show the great opportunities that Registered Nurses have, and hopefully there are some young men and women out there looking at Registered Nursing as a career choice,” says Doucet.
She adds with only 4 out of every 100 nurses being male, it’s clear “men in our society aren’t looking at nursing as a possible career, and they see that as a very female dominant career.”
Doucet says that’s a whole area of young people “that we’re not tapping into.”
She adds part of their recruitment campaign is about changing the attitude that nursing is a female profession.
Doucet says the plan is to launch the campaign later this year.